VT1 - Englisch
Wir versuchen uns in ersten Schritten in der sprachlichen und inhaltlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Hilfe einer eigenen Präsentation unserer beruflichen Realität in der Öffentlichkeit. (Copyright I. Hicking)
Skills have to be trained: Knowledge has to be acquired!
Introduction on the job!
Now let us get practical: Choosing a toilet system:
VT2 - Englisch
What does your boss think? Is your idea a really brilliant one?
At first you have to present your idea - after that we discuss your arguments. And we try to find an overall decision, whether to install a small wind turbine or not.
Having water rules!
We worked about electricity, produced by wind-power made in Cologne.
Now we widen our focus and are going to have a look at our normal everyday attitude towards the worldwide supply with fresh water.
Therefore, please join Matt Damons press conference - you can attend above.
After that, please work on the task-schedule.
TASK 1: Listening comprehension
A) Beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen in vollständigen Sätzen auf Deutsch mit Hilfe Ihrer Erkenntnisse aus dem Video.
1. Wann ist der Welttoilettentag?
2. Welche Erfindung thematisiert Matt Damon in seiner Pressekonferenz? Warum?
3. Wie viele Menschen weltweit haben laut Matt Damon keinen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser?
4. Wie viele Menschen weltweit haben keine Sanitäranlagen?
5. Beschreiben Sie die Maßnahme, die Matt Damon aus Protest gegen die dramatischen sanitären Zustände ergreift.
B) Was wird mit dieser Szene kritisiert? Erläutern Sie auf Deutsch.
C) Erläutern Sie auf Deutsch das Ziel, das Matt Damon mit seiner Pressekonferenz verfolgt.
Annotations (Task 1)
English |
German |
invention |
Erfindung |
human kind |
Menschheit |
cell phone |
Handy |
to shoplift |
stehlen |
not to go to the bathroom |
not to use a toilet / not to excrete waste from your body |
to lash out at somebody |
auf jdn losgehen |
to excrete waste |
Exkremente ausscheiden |
to implore |
jdn anflehen |
For the next step, please read the text: Not waiting for a Magic Cure!
a) Erklären Sie (auf Englisch) die Bedeutung der folgenden Aussage
“Today’s water crisis is not an issue
of scarcity, but of access.” (Z. 9)
Gehen Sie dabei wie folgt vor: Übersetzen Sie zunächst die Aussage ins Deutsche und erklären Sie anschließend die Bedeutung der Aussage unter Bezugnahme auf die Informationen aus dem Text (Z. 6 –
b) Erläutern Sie (auf Englisch) die
Auswirkungen fehlender Sanitäranlagen auf die Wirtschaft und die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung in Entwicklungsländern.
1) Read the text and be ready to explain
2) Describe the functionality of "under sink storage water systems
3) What do you think is your customer going to ask you after 1 week of using the system?
1. It is up to you: Work on the whole text and learn a lot about backflow-risks in cold-water-systems!
2. Prepare a presentation of the problems and solutions for flats and houses
3. I want to know: What did impress you most on this backflow-risks?
Explain to potential customers how a rain water harvesting system works and what its benefits are. (400 Words!)
A new invention for the people of Tanzania: Nanofilters to clean water!
Hilonga Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation - YouTube
Your task:
Listen to the video, be able to understand the meaning, answer these questions:
1. Who ist Mister Hilonga
- give a short description?
2. What is his main aim as a scientist?
3. Describe his invention.
3. What do you think: Are his customers interested in buying his invention?
Have a look at: BlueFuture Project
and prepare yourself to present this project in a little speech to your colleagues!
VT3 - Englisch
a) Read and understand the text and charts.
b) Describe the relation between our sense for an agreeable or comfortable temperature and our behaviour in our spaces of living! (150 words)
c) Which temperature in the living room would you advice: (describe and analyse thoroughly!)
1. For a single living type (24 years old)
2.Young family with 2 children (age 2 and 4)
3. 70year old grandmother - living alone
Read and understand the text.
Find the best position for the installation of room thermostats and write down your arguments!
Fragenkatalog zum Thema "Fracking"!
1.) What are the main problems arising from the usage of "Fracking" in civilized surroundings?
2.) What do you think: Who is interested in the implementation of fracking-technologies in third-world-countries?
3.) What are the main reasons for these groups of interest to force fracking-technologies?
4.) Let`s have a look on a small town in the Eifel-valley-region, called Hengasch:
No supply with gas, no possibilities for earning electricity by wind. By the way: The installation of oil-heating-systems is nearly forbidden by law. So what about fracking?
Would you as a citizen of this "Dead-end-town" be a supporter of Fracking? Please explain your arguments!
Heat pumps from Vaillant - Vaillant
Your Task: Describe form and function of the main heatpump-systems.
At least: 200 words!!